!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> MaartinaSwensson -

Lööördag :D

2008-09-13 / 21:08:26

Jag blir galeeeeeeen.

Lyssnar ihjäl denna låten: He reminds me of you - Nomy

I've been bleeding for years and I'm dry
I can not change anything god I tryed

The picture I had of us to
I gave it to her she reminds me of you

And she asking me things all the time
Why you're not around and if you're doing fine

He has my picture of you
When I'm in the dark then I know you there to

I've been crying at night
Don't know what to do
I've been screaming your name
I've been bleeding for you

I'm standing alone
I've got nothing to live for
All I had is gone
There's nothing to live for

Yes she reminds me of you
And it brakes my heart in two
It was about you but now its been gone
Once he gave me a smile
Like yours but its been a while

I thought I was alone
I know that you are gone
But I can not cry no more

Vafan ska jag göra.

Svara ? Inte svara ?
Dampa? Inte dampa?
Gråta? Inte gråta?
Dö? Inte dö?

Jag vet ingenting längre..

Jag vill inte glömma detta!

Nä nu ska jag kila ;). På fäääst :D.

Har inga pengar på mobilen så nu måste du ringa om du vill något, jaa alla :p! <3.

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